The Clean Boot Blog
During the COVID-19 Global pandemic, there have been many short comings with regards to the supply and distribution of essential PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for frontline workers and the general public. Supply Chains have seen dramatic shortages caused by misinformation, panic buying and stockpiling.
Essential PPE determined by the WHO (World Health Organization) is outlined as the following:
Rational Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Interim guidance 19 March 2020 World Health Organization
- Medical Gowns
- Gloves
- Eye Protection (Face Shield or Goggles)
- Respirator N95 or FFP2 standard, or equivalent
The Coronavirus has the ability to live on surfaces for up to 5 days experts have discovered. This includes but is not limited to, shopping carts, door handles, cardboard boxes, plastic items etc.
Scientists and experts have now stated that shoes/ boots are hot spots for the spread of bacteria and germs.
“Infectious disease specialist Mary E. Schmidt warns that the coronavirus could survive on rubber, leather and PVC-based soles for five days or more.”
Although the risk is lower for foot contamination and spread to the facial area, if shoes/ boots are worn in high traffic areas (Grocery Stores, Transit, Malls, workplaces etc) the risk increases and has the potential to spread the virus.
However, whether you wear sneakers or work boots, it’s important to pay attention to the sole. The sole of shoes and boots are the breeding ground of more bacteria,and viruses than the upper part of a shoe.
The soles of shoes/ boots are typically made of non-porous materials, such as rubber, leather and PVC, and can carry high levels of bacteria, according to a study published by Charles Gerba, a microbiologist and professor at the University of Arizona.
So what is the solutions for footwear PPE?
Most of the PPE being used by the general public and frontline health care workers is disposable. Contributing heavily to our landfills, rivers lakes and oceans. Paper and Plastic disposable PPE is great for minimizing the spread of infections viruses and diseases. But not great for the environment or the pocketbook.
But is there another way?
Already manufactures and consumers that own 3D printers have developed reusable face shields and N95 Respirator Masks, to give frontline workers and the general public an alternative to the disposable versions that are in short supply and high demand.
What does this look like for footwear?
Currently, the use of paper and plastic disposable booties is pervasive in the healthcare industry, general public and contracting. But there has to be a better option. A product that can be washed to kill the COVID-19 virus. A product that is reusable that doesn’t contribute to single use plastic entering our rivers, lakes and oceans. Lastly, it needs to be more economical for the end-user, rather than continually spending money on disposable products.
The answer to all these requirements is The Original CleanBoot®. A Washable, Reusable, 100% Neoprene overshoe with a rippled sole for extra grip on finished flooring!!

The Original CleanBoot® can be worn everyday with a life span of approximately 3-6 months, daily use.
So for frontline workers that are concerned about bringing COVID-19 home on the soles of their shoes/ boots, The Original CleanBoot® can be worn in the car, taken into the home and washed frequently to minimize the risk and exposure to family and loved ones.
For contractors and homeowners, The Original CleanBoot® is a great solution to, “Keep the outside out, and the inside clean.” Minimizing the chances of bringing the Coronavirus into a home on the sole of their shoes/ boots.
So, when Health Care & Government officials eventually announce the expansion of Essential PPE to include footwear protection, remember The Original CleanBoot® is an alternative that can avoid the shortages that will be experienced in the disposable bootie market and provide an excellent alternative to protect you, the environment and your budget.
The Original CleanBoot® can be purchased online in Canada, US, Australia, UK and Europe.
Or contact us at to see if there is a local distributor.
Another great use for boot covers- Spring has sprung, and many are getting their spring cleaning and painting started. Signs are popping up everywhere for companies like Student Works Painting and College Pro painting as well as other painting franchises.
Some people do not hire student based painters because they worry about the professionalism that these students will demonstrate on the job. Customers question the quality of the work, as well as the cleanliness of the student painters. Student painters are well trained, do a great job and if given the right materials and equipment, will keep a customers home immaculately clean.
Aside from the obvious use of drop cloths, rags and paint removers to keep floors clean, a cheap product that helps make student painters more marketable are washable boot covers such as the neoprene boot covers offered by the CleanBoot.
While painting interiors of homes, painters often run in and out of the house to bring in supplies, laddars, and to wash and dry paint brushes. Wearing neoprene washable boot covers or shoe covers allows the painters to do this quickly, without removing their shoes. It also gives customers a sense of security knowing that their painters won’t be walking around their homes in their outdoor shoes to save time.
At approximately $20.00 a pair of reusable neoprene boot covers, it makes sense for painting franchises to suit their workers up with boot covers. This is also a selling feature that painters can bring up while quoting a painting job.
Whether you have your own painting business, are part of a painting franchise, or you’re just a do-it yourselfer around the home painter, the CleanBoot neoprene shoe covers, can save you time, and money spent on clean-up costs.